Volkswagen Vanagon Original Paint Code Numbers

These charts list the original Volkswagen L-code numbers ("L" = "Lacquer"), paint names and "sales codes" Volkswagen offered on the T3 Vanagon buses they manufactured from 1980 through 1991. To determine your Vanagon's original exterior paint colors, check the codes on your buses' id-plate under the driver's seat. At the far left of the second line on the id-plate there should be a 4-character code which indicates the factory "sales codes" corresponding to your Vanagon's original factory paint colors. For example; B9B5 indicates that your Vanagon was painted 2-tone with "Ivory" on the upper portion and "Bamboo Yellow" on the lower portion, and J2J2 means that your Vanagon was painted in a single color of "Marine Blue". Note that if your Vanagon has the build sticker on the lower left corner of the dashboard, the "Paint No. / Interior" line will indicate the paint "L" code instead of Volkswagen's "sales codes"). Originally, the Volkswagen factory used Glasurit single-stage lacquer paint, which is still available today (along with Sikkens, PPG, Dupont, Sherman Williams, etc.) at most automotive paint retailers. Using your Vanagon's L-code or "sales code" paint codes, your paint retailer should be able to find the proper formula to match your Vanagon's original VW colors. To see some photos of VW Vanagons painted in original Volkswagen colours, check out our Original VW Vanagon Sample Paint Colors here.

1980 Vanagon
Sales Code Vanagon Camper
Samos Beige - LH1N D8
Ivory - L567 B9
Bamboo Yellow - LH1B B5
Cornat Blue - LH5H J8
Guinea Blue - LH5K J9
Medium Blue - LH5G J5
Bright Orange - L20B E1
Assuan Brown - LH8B T6

1981 Vanagon
Sales Code Vanagon Camper
Pastel White - L90D R1
Samos Beige - LH1N D8
Ivory - L567 B9
Bamboo Yellow - LH1B B5
Cornat Blue - LH5H J8
Guinea Blue - LH5K J9
Agate Brown - L86Z T1
Medium Blue - LH5G J5
Bright Orange - L20B E1
Assuan Brown - LH8B T6

1982 Vanagon
Sales Code Vanagon L Vanagon GL Camper
Monaco Blue - LA5D J3
Pastel White - L90D R1
Samos Beige - LH1N D8
Ivory - L567 B9
Agate Brown - L86Z T1
Bright Orange - L20B E1
Guinea Blue - LH5K J9
Assuan Brown - LH8B T6
Kuril Blue - LH5T J4
Cornat Blue - LH5H J8
Bamboo Yellow - LH1B B5
Medium Blue - LH5G J5

1983 Vanagon
Sales Code Vanagon L Vanagon GL Camper
Monaco Blue - LA5D J3
Pastel White - L90D R1
Samos Beige - LH1N D8
Ivory - L567 B9
Damuso White - LH9D P6
Marsala Red - LH3D H3
Escorial Green - LT6A N1
Assuan Brown - LH8B T6
Kuril Blue - LH5T J4
Timor Beige - LH8T D6
Merian Brown - LA8A T3
Medium Blue - LH5G J5

1984 Vanagon
Sales Code GL Camper
Monaco Blue - LA5D J3
Pastel White - L90D R1
Samos Beige - LH1N D8
Wolfram Grey Metallic - LH7V X1
Ivory - L567 B9
Bronze Beige Metallic - LH8U X4
Damuso White - LH9D P6
Marsala Red - LH3D H3
Escorial Green - LT6A N1
Assuan Brown - LH8B T6
Marine Blue - LA5B
(Wolfsburg Edition only)
Kuril Blue - LH5T J4
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2
Timor Beige - LH8T D6
Merian Brown - LA8A T3
Medium Blue - LH5G J5

1985 Vanagon
Sales Code Vanagon GL Camper
Flash Silver Metallic - LP7Y X9
Merian Brown - LA8A T3
Bronze Beige Metallic - LH8U X4
Pastel White - L90D R1
Savannah Beige Metallic - LH1V S8
Capri Blue - LK5E J6
Beige - LL1M
Marine Blue - LA5B J2
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2
Nevada Beige - LA1N
(Wolfsburg Edition only)

1986 Vanagon
Sales Code GL &
Syncro GL
Camper GL &
Camper Syncro
Flash Silver Metallic - LP7Y X9
Pastel White - L90D R1
Savannah Beige Metallic - LH1V S8
Wolfram Grey Metallic - LH7V X1
Bronze Beige Metallic - LH8U X4
Titian Red Metallic - LB3V W4
Marine Blue - LA5B J2
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2
Merian Brown - LA8A T3

1987 Vanagon
Sales Code GL & Syncro Camper
& Syncro
Camper GL &
Camper Syncro GL
Flash Silver Metallic - LP7Y X9
Mocha Brown - LH8V T4
Vesuvius Grey Metallic - LB7Y
(Wolfsburg Edition only)
Pastel White - L90D R1
Savannah Beige Metallic - LH1V S8
Wolfram Grey Metallic - LH7V X1
Titian Red Metallic - LE3T
Marine Blue - LA5B J2
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2
Titian Red Metallic - LB3V W4

1988 Vanagon
Sales Code GL Camper GL
Flash Silver Metallic (clear coat) - LP7Y X9
Wolfram Grey Metallic - LH7V X1
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2
Pastel White - L90D R1
Titian Red Metallic - LB3V W4

1989 Vanagon
Sales Code GL & Syncro Carat Camper &
Camper Syncro
Flash Silver Metallic - LP7Y X9
Orly Blue Metallic - LP5Z 9048
Pastel White - L90D R1
Bordeaux Red Metallic - LC3Y 9082
Wolfram Grey Metallic - LH7V X1
Titian Red Metallic - LB3V W4
Vesuvius Grey Metallic - LB7Y 4045
Star Blue Metallic - LD5T
(Wolfsburg Edition only)
Dove Blue Metallic - LH5U X2

1990 Vanagon
Sales Code GL, Carat
& Syncro
Camper &
Camper Syncro
Flash Silver Metallic (clear coat) - LP7Y X9
Orly Blue Metallic (clear coat) - LP5Z 9048
Pastel White - L90D R1
Bordeaux Red Metallic (special clr coat) - LC3Y 9082

1991 Vanagon
Sales Code GL, Carat
& Syncro
Camper &
Camper Syncro
Flash Silver Metallic (clear coat) - LP7Y X9
Orly Blue Metallic (clear coat) - LP5Z 9048
Tornado Red - LY3D G2
Pastel White - L90D R1
Bordeaux Red Metallic (special clr coat) - LC3Y 9082
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Check out pictures of VW T2 Bay Window Bus T2 Bus Sample Paint Colors here.
See a full list of VW T1 1950-1967 Split Window Bus T1 Bus Factory Paint Codes here.
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